Reconnect with Nature to Beat Information Overload

Purple, yellow, and white crocus One of the best ways to beat information overload is to take time to reconnect with nature. I spent the morning at my computer paying bills, updating a membership database, and writing a newsletter, but I took time this afternoon to enjoy the cold but sunny day. I like gardening, so I did cleaned up the yard and cleared weeds out of my vegetable garden. Signs of spring were everywhere—worms writhing in the soil, birds singing, and crocuses and snowdrops blooming. It was good exercise and a relaxing break after an intense week.

What’s your favorite way to reconnect with nature?

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  • Cathy Demers (Business Success Cafe) April 13, 2011, 6:45 pm

    Nature has a way of quieting the mind-chatter. Like you, when I feel like there is just too much information to handle anymore I like to spend time in my garden. Just a few minutes here or a few minutes there. But since I have a dog, he requires that I commune with nature a bit more vigorously. A romp on the beach gets us away from the phones and the computer for a longer stretch. Both our brains feel better afterward.


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